A cloud-based universal diagnostic data platform.

What is myPathology?

myPathology is a cloud-based universal diagnostic data platform. It collates all a patient’s diagnostic data, from 2005 onwards, in one place.

The data is atomic so it can be easily searched, graphed and analysed.

Watch our short (2min 40sec) demonstration video to see how it works.

What problem have we solved?

There is no one easily accessible complete source of patient diagnostic data. This is a big problem, especially when patients move between health services (GP to hospital, GP to specialist or vice versa). Invisible data results in poor outcomes and significant waste:

  • Unnecessary repeated or misinterpreted tests;

  • Delays to diagnoses, treatments, admissions and discharges.

  • According to Choosing Wisely Australia’s annual survey 2018, 54% of GPs and 61% Specialists sited difficulties accessing tests results as the cause of requesting an unnecessary test, treatment, or procedure.

In short this is bad for patients, bad for the health system and bad for the environment.

How do we know myPathology works?

  • myPathology has been trialled for 6 months in GP surgeries, hospital outpatients & medical specialist rooms, resulting in:

  • Patients being initiated on treatment sooner in 72% of clinics;

  • Doctors requesting 8.3 fewer tests per clinic;

  • Hospital outpatient pathology costs dropping by 66%;

  • 16 minutes time saved per clinic

  • Extra patients discharged from clinics sooner.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
