A not-for-profit private company.

Who owns and operates myPathology?

myPathology was created by Kabisa Medical Pty Ltd, a not-for-profit private company established in 2016. 70% of our investors are doctors who invested their money because they recognised the harm being done to patients, the health system and the environment by the inefficient use of diagnostic data.

What does ‘not-for-profit private company’ mean?

In an ideal world this service would be available free for all doctors, patients and other healthcare providers. We strive for ideals. However, developing and running the service costs money.

Unfortunately, government procurement process essentially exclude small companies from providing IT services as they are prolonged and complex.

To circumvent this, myPathology will be provided at ‘cost price’, to the Western Australian Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA), a not-for-profit government funded body whose purpose is to support GPs in delivering better care. WAPHA already provides thousands of GPs with data tools. We are then proposing that WAPHA is funded by government to deliver the service free of charge across the whole of WA Health Service.

The licensing fees we will charge WAPHA to use the technology will cover running costs as well as returning to the company investors their original investments over the medium term (3 years), without any profit, as this is only fair.

We are currently in the process of applying for B Corporation Certification.

Why are we a ‘not-for-profit private company’?

The problem we have solved is what we would describe as a ‘wicked problem’ for governments to solve:

  • It is a government problem because governments pay for the majority of pathology costs as well as other health costs.

  • It is primarily an IT problem.

  • Unfortunately, governments the world-over struggle to deliver innovative and functional IT solutions, as evidenced by analysis done by McKinsey showing of 5,400 government IT projects worth >US$15 million only 0.5% were delivered on time, to budget and delivered the predicted benefits. Think My Health Record which has cost $2 billion to date and has yet to solve this problem.

  • The pathology industry in Australia is worth $5 billion per year and vested interests lobby governments to maintain a system that benefits them.

So we need to find new and innovative ways of solving these problems without relying on governments and without being profit driven.

Being a private entity allows us to be a lean, nimble problem solver and solution deliverer.

Being not for profit makes procurement by government agencies more attractive.

Fixing the health system is too important to put profits before patients and the environment.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
